First Name
Last Name
1. Can you distill this year-out vision into a few sentences?
Write in the first person—e.g., “I feel amazing and strong in my body. My relationships are easeful, and stress has dissipated.”
2. How is the experience of mental performance and/or wellness different for the future you than for your self right now?
3. Share three to five words to describe yourself at the end of your coaching journey:
4. What does mental performance and/or wellness look and feel like then?
Remember, this is future-you
5. What are we celebrating at the end of this journey?
6. What old beliefs, patterns, habits, or challenges will you have shifted or overcome?
7. What new practices, patterns, and behaviors will you have explored and implemented?
8. What will be your relationship to __________ ?
10. What do you know needs to happen between now and then?
11. What desires or values are clear to you in your wellness vision?
12. What obstacles or challenges are currently in the way of getting from here to there?
13. What resources and support are currently available? What might need to get established?
14. What tangible goals will begin to move you from where you are now to this future vision?
15. Where do you want to begin?
The Essence of My Vision
Compose a powerful sentence or paragraph that captures the essence of your vision and provides you with clear direction about where you are headed. This may be part of your answer from Question 1, the most compelling elements of your answers from a variety of questions, or a new sentence or two that will motivate you as you engage in coaching. (When you are done, you might consider writing this out on a large piece of paper or printing it and putting it up where you can see it daily.)